Practice Description

Even if you are considering committing a crime in Atlanta, you could be convicted on a criminal charge. This type of conviction is considered to be a conspiracy charge. The point of conspiracy convictions is to prevent crimes from happening.

However, a wrongful conspiracy charge can lead to your legal rights being violated. Therefore, if you are charged with conspiracy in Atlanta, it is important that you get in touch with an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible to make sure your rights are protected.

At Andersen, Tate & Carr, we understand the complexity of conspiracy charges in Atlanta and will make sure that you are not wrongfully convicted. We will review the details of your case and make sure your rights are protected throughout your legal proceedings. A conspiracy charge can cause you to have financial and emotional burdens, so contact us today to make sure you are not treated unfairly or unjustly by the court.

Definition of Conspiracy in Atlanta

According to O.C.G.A. § 16-4-8, a person may be charged with conspiracy when it is believed that there is an agreement between two or more people to commit a crime at some time in the future, with one or more of those people carrying out any overt act to affect the object of the conspiracy.

Depending on the severity of the potential crime, a person can be charged with a misdemeanor or a felony. In Atlanta, someone can be charged with both the committed crime and the conspiracy to commit it, but they can only be convicted of one or the other.

Length of Conspiracy Conviction Sentences in Atlanta

Punishment for conspiracy can vary substantially depending on the crime. If a person is convicted of conspiracy to commit a felony in Atlanta, they will face imprisonment for no less than one year. They could face up to one-half of the maximum amount of time which they could be sentenced to if they had been convicted of the crime they were conspiring to commit. Also, they could be forced to pay one-half of the maximum fine associated with the crime they were planning to commit.

If a person is convicted of conspiracy to commit a misdemeanor in Atlanta, they will be punished in the same way as if they committed the misdemeanor. If a person is convicted of conspiracy to commit a crime that is punishable by life imprisonment or death, they will face at least one year in prison and no more than ten years.

Drug Related Conspiracy Conviction Charges in Atlanta

Drug related conspiracy charges are one of the most common types of conspiracy convictions in Atlanta. Convictions for conspiring to distribute drugs have risen dramatically in recent years. In many cases, this kind of charge is unjustly attached to other charges.

If you have been convicted of a drug related conspiracy charge in Atlanta and believe your rights are being violated, make sure you get in touch with an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. Prosecutors often attempt to prove conspiracy with weak, false or ambiguous testimonies, and you may be unfairly treated during a trial and receive convictions that aren’t warranted.

Contact Our Experienced Team of Atlanta Conspiracy Attorneys Today

If you are facing conspiracy charges in Atlanta, it is necessary that you consult with a qualified criminal defense attorney in order to understand your options. Our defense team has substantial expertise in conspiracy cases, and we are always available to provide confidential case evaluations.

Contact Pat McDonough or Trinity Hundredmark at Andersen, Tate & Carr to schedule a free consultation about your case. Our priority is protecting your rights, and we will work tirelessly to make this happen. Call us at 770-822-0900 for a free, no-obligation consultation to learn how we can help you.

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