Georgia Criminal Defense Attorney Services

Situated in Gwinnett County, Georgia is the bustling city of Duluth. Thirteen constituent neighborhoods comprise the city, and it has an estimated population of 29,331. The annual income of an average family of four is $121,304, thus making the city relatively wealthier than other cities in the state of Georgia. The city receives high traffic, as there are many people who commute in and out of the city to their jobs in Atlanta.

The state of Georgia has a violent crime index of 3.98%, which is only slightly lower than the national median of 4%. In Duluth, the violent crime rate is much, much higher at 5.49%. If you find yourself accused of being involved in a crime, having a good criminal defense lawyer at your side is very beneficial. With a Duluth criminal defense lawyer from Andersen, Tate & Carr behind you, your legal needs are addressed, your rights are protected, and you increase your chances of achieving a better outcome for your case.

Our criminal defense team is headed by two highly experienced attorneys: partners Patrick McDonough and Trinity Hundredmark. Patrick was the youngest-serving District Attorney in the state of Georgia before becoming a criminal defense lawyer. Trinity has over 10 years of experience representing those accused of committing crimes.

With this experience, Patrick and Trinity lead one of the top criminal defense teams in the state. They have represented professional football players, Olympic athletes, State Senators and everyday people in more than 100 jury and bench trials.

Trinity and Patrick have both received top professional accolades, including:

  • AV Rated Preeminent
  • Super Lawyers Rating
  • AVVO Rated 10/10

Every client our team represents receives the personal attention and tailored legal strategy their case deserves. We know our clients by their names, not their case numbers. When you work with a Duluth criminal defense lawyer from our firm, you will always know what’s happening with your case, as well as our full, honest advice to get the most favorable outcome for your case.

We work with defendants in a variety of criminal defense cases:

To learn more about your legal rights after being accused of a crime, or to get a free, no-obligation consultation with our experienced team of criminal defense lawyers in Duluth, call us at (770) 822-0900 or contact us online today.

Why Hire a Local Criminal Defense Attorney in Duluth

There are two major reasons to hire a criminal defense attorney when you are facing criminal charges in Duluth, GA.

The first reason is that no one person can familiarize themselves with all of the laws, case strategies, and relevant prior rulings related to their case during a single trial. Representing yourself in criminal proceedings is more likely than not to leave you at a disadvantage

A qualified, experienced Duluth criminal defense lawyer will be familiar with the legal strategies that help win cases. They can employ their academic knowledge and skills built during a career’s worth of training to handle your case more effectively than any layperson ever could.

Second, every local and state court is different when it comes to how it handles criminal cases. Certain district attorney (DA) offices and judges have tendencies and preferences. Someone facing criminal charges may accidentally use the most ineffective strategies for the given court of their case’s jurisdiction. They may even unintentionally offend a judge, hurting their chances of obtaining favorable motions, such as having charges dismissed after an indictment.

Duluth criminal defense attorney Pat McDonough is familiar with all of the judges, DAs, and other important figures within the local jurisdiction. He and his criminal defense team are aware of the types of motions and legal strategies most likely to be successful — as well as the ones most likely to fail.

Hiring a local criminal defense lawyer from Andersen, Tate & Carr means having someone who works in the same professional circles as the key individuals in your case’s jurisdiction. Knowing the people who hold your future in their hands and having a history with them allows your attorney to work in your best interest.

Work with someone who knows how to approach the judges, DAs, and other critical individuals of your case’s prosecution. You deserve every advantage you can get when your personal freedom and future are at stake.

Questions to Ask a Duluth Criminal Defense Attorney During Your Consultation

Not every criminal defense lawyer in Duluth will be a good fit for your case. Some may lack the experience needed for your particular criminal charges or case circumstances. Others may have a tough time adjusting to the expectations of the judge or DA handling your case.

Determining the best Duluth criminal defense attorney for your needs, therefore, requires asking a few questions:

1. How long have you been practicing criminal defense in Duluth?

General experience is beneficial, but jurisdiction-specific experience is always better. Try to work with a local Duluth criminal defense attorney that is familiar with the relevant court’s methods and preferences.

2. Have you ever faced disciplinary action or been the target of an ethics investigation from any state bar association?

Lawyers with a spotty history may have trouble gaining empathy from juries, prosecutors, or judges. They may also repeat the same mistakes. Make sure your attorney’s record is clean and respectable before hiring them.

3. Are you familiar with my particular set of charges? How often have you handled a case like mine in the past 5 years?

Specific charges or case types require a specific set of strategies. When trying to evade DUI charges in Duluth, for instance, your criminal defense lawyer should know what types of issues can make evidence unusable. Having the results of a breathalyzer test dropped from a case can sometimes make the case impossible to prosecute.

4. How is your relationship with the prosecutors and other key individuals handling my case?

Your lawyer should be on good terms with prosecutors and others involved in your case. At the very least, they should have a healthy, professional respect for one another. This neutral or positive relationship allows your lawyer to have a better chance of selecting effective strategies or arguments for your given situation.

5. How often do your cases go to trial?

Having a high percentage of clients avoid going to trial is a great quality for a criminal defense attorney, but they still need recent trial experience. Presenting a case in front of a jury poses its own set of skills, risks, and strategies.

6. Do you spot any immediate issues with my charges that could provide an advantageous strategy?

Some cases present obvious flaws in their handling of evidence, the way due process was followed, or even why the suspect was approached in the first place. Cases like these do not always result in dismissed charges or “not guilty” verdicts, but they do present opportunities that make fighting charges worthwhile.

7. How do my options for pleading guilty or pleading to lesser charges compare to fighting the charges?

The flip side to flawed cases are cases that have a high likelihood of resulting in a “guilty” verdict. In these situations, the accused may find the least risky result is to work with their attorney to formulate a possible plea deal with the prosecution. These arrangements can result in lesser charges or lesser consequences, such as a misdemeanor instead of a felony conviction.

8. What are the biggest weaknesses of my case?

A good attorney is always transparent about the biggest challenges their client could face, either pre-trial or in front of a jury.

9. What is the worst-case scenario?

Being aware of the all the possible sentences you could receive allows you to strategize better for your case and be prepared for the worst outcome.

10. Will you handle my case personally, or will I be interacting mostly with others?

You want to know who will actually be managing your case and who you will experience the most interaction with. Some law offices present good credentials but then give clients inexperienced aides or junior partners to handle their case.

11. How do you charge fees, and what can I roughly expect to pay for my case to be handled?

Attorneys use different arrangements for payments. Some use an hourly rate, while others charge a flat fee. Cases that proceed to trial often have a higher level of billing. Providing an estimate can be beneficial for clients trying to strategize how to pay for the services, even if the estimate turns out to be inaccurate because of unforeseen circumstances.

Crimes Committed in Duluth

The crime rate in Duluth is considered high, compared to the national average. While violent crime is at 5.49%, crime committed against properties is at 22.19%. This means that the likelihood of becoming a victim of property crime is 1 in 36.

Examples of property crimes commonly committed in Duluth include:

  • Arson
  • Motor vehicle theft
  • Burglary
  • Larceny

Property crimes are the major contributors to the general crime rate in the city of Duluth. When it comes to violent crimes, the rate is also high compared to the national average. Violent offenses reported by the police department include rape (3 cases), armed robbery (20 cases), and aggravated assault (138 cases). The recent statistics did not include murder and manslaughter.

The reported data on violent crime in Duluth means that the likelihood of getting involved in such crimes is 1 in 182. If you are faced with an accusation, the best recourse is to have a trustworthy criminal defense lawyer in Duluth to evaluate your case.

Gwinett County Crime Statistics

Your Rights After Being Charged with a Crime

If you have ever seen a TV show or movie in which someone is arrested, the officer will usually read that person their Miranda Rights (“You have the right to remain silent, you have the right to an attorney, etc.”) as they’re being arrested. In real life, that’s not how it works. You don’t have to be “Mirandized” when you’re arrested. Your rights only have to be read to you when you’re being questioned.

Nonetheless, you do have the right to remain silent, and you should utilize that right! If you say something that may incriminate you as you’re being arrested, there’s a chance it’ll be used against you in court, especially if you don’t have an experienced attorney fighting on your behalf.

You should also utilize your right to hire an attorney as soon as possible. In general, the police have to give you an opportunity to contact your lawyer. When they do, it’s important you call an experienced Duluth criminal defense attorney who can come to the police station and represent you right away.

You should never tell the police anything before your attorney is present. In the same light, you should never, ever waive your right to an attorney. Without a lawyer present, the police can ask you all sorts of questions to get a confession out of you. They can also lie to you in the interrogation room about evidence, witness testimony and just about anything else to get you to confess.

An experienced Duluth criminal defense lawyer can shield you from these and other common tactics used by police. An attorney can fully protect your rights and help you figure out your next steps after you’ve been arrested.

Call a Duluth Criminal Defense Lawyer Today

If you are arrested, remember three words:

Andersen, Tate & Carr.

At Andersen, Tate & Carr, we are a team of criminal defense attorneys in Duluth who can handle your legal needs. We have been around for more than 20 years and have a proven track record when it comes to criminal cases. We also have extensive knowledge of Georgia law so that we can defend your case. With our mix of legal experience both prosecuting and defending those accused of crimes, we know how to work within the court system and with prosecutors to get the most positive outcome for you.

Should you need immediate help, call us at 770-822-0900 or contact us online so that we can provide you with a free consultation. Don’t delay; the sooner we can learn the details of your case, the sooner we’re able to build a strong defense on your behalf.