Benefits of Modern Co-Parenting

The “typical” method of co-parenting has changed drastically over the last decade. In the early 2010s, standard visitation plans commonly included alternating weekends for the non-custodial parent and extended visitation as a privilege. Today, we see a huge increase in the number of parents opting for a joint-custody plan where their time is split more…

What Should I Do If My Ex Stops Paying Child Support?

Raising and caring for children after a divorce is not only hard work, but it’s also expensive. Many single parents depend on child support to provide basic necessities for their children. When a non-custodial parent stops paying child support, the custodial parent faces the burden of financial hardship and ultimately, the children may suffer. If…

Establishing Your Paternal Rights In Georgia

Establishing Your Paternal Rights In Georgia The process of establishing paternity rights in Georgia can be extremely difficult to navigate. Maternal rights are inherent at birth, but establishing a father’s rights can be far more complicated, especially in cases involving unmarried couples or divorce. When a father signs a birth certificate, he is not establishing…

Attorney Trinity Hundredmark Was Honored To Attend This Year’s Leadership Stetson Event

Attorney Trinity Hundredmark Was Honored To Attend This Year’s Leadership Stetson Event Every year, Stetson University hosts its annual Leadership Stetson event, giving alumni the chance to network and celebrate their continual growth in their chosen profession. Attorney Trinity Hundredmark of Andersen, Tate & Carr was honored to be invited to attend the highly selective…